Check out our feature in Redfin’s latest article: “Interior Designers Reveal the Most Common Design Mistakes”
When it comes to designing a beautiful home, there are many little things that need to come together to create the perfect space. From choosing a paint color, taking home trends into consideration, and making sure your furniture is to scale, the process can sometimes be overwhelming. So, we turned to the pros and asked them to share their tips and advice with us on the most common home design mistakes they see homeowners make and how to avoid them.
Take a look at what we had to say about the best way to make your home more eco-friendly.
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Impulse Buying : Shelley at Adorn Design Group Talks About the Three M’S When Measuring Sofa’s.
A lot of times homeowners think, “Oh I just have to have that sofa” and many times I’ll get called into a new job after a client was out impulse shopping and just had to purchase the sofa, fast forward to delivery day, oops it doesn't fit. Here’s my “3 M’s: I call them Adorns’ golden rules, measure, measure, measure. The things you need to make sure to measure are the width from arm to arm, the height of the back of the highest point. (So it fits through the door), and depth, the most important one to gauge comfort level. -Shelly Amato, Adorn Design Group